Hebrews 10:23- "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."

Sunday, January 20, 2013


 I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. 
1 Samuel 1:27
To God be the glory!!
Wow, what a day.  We came to Olivia's province by train, the bullet train.  However, because of the snow we were not able to go very fast so it took about 3 hours to get here rather than the expected hour and a half.  When we were in the car on the way to the hotel Sylvia found out that Olivia was already here and waiting for us. What a horrible drive.  I was so excited and anxious I couldn't sit still.  It seemed like it took forever to get here.  Once we arrived, as we were walking in the door I immediately saw her.  Sylvia walked right past her to another child in the lobby and I said no this is her right here.  She was very timid with us, she did not want me to take her from her nanny.  We sat down and her nanny sat her between us and gave her some snacks, I then picked her up and she ate and sat in my lap.  She would look at me and make eye contact then turn her head from me.  At one point it was just her and I sitting on the couch, Mike had gone to check us in to the hotel, and she actually started talking to me.  When the orphanage staff said goodbye she waved bye-bye.  As we were walking to the elevator Mike was holding her and said "That couldn't have gone any better", well once on the elevator she began crying, and she has cried a lot here in the room.  She will cry and scream and the tears just roll down her face, it breaks my heart.  If I stand and walk, she seems to do better, she loves to look in the mirror.  She has played a little with her stacking cups and the little singing glow worm we brought her.  She has a ball that I sent to the orphanage a couple of weeks ago that she would not let go of.  She loves her Baba, she reached for him and he walked her around til she fell asleep.  They are both asleep now, at 7pm.....oh well, it's been a big day!  We have not gotten any smiles yet, but I know they are to come.  She just needs time and I will wait!  Well, without further ado, here she is, our beautiful daughter.......


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!!!! How sweet!!!! Katie--I cried when I saw Mike holding his baby! I know you are so in love already. I will continue to pray for an easy transition and for Olivia's heart to be open to your love. Love you guys and so proud of the impact you are making on this little life:) Can't wait to see all three of you soon. Miss you!

  2. Sooooo happy! I wish I could talk to you!!! Love you so much! Continued prayers for you all!!!!

  3. Sounds like a perfect Gotcha Day!! Welcome to the White family, Olivia! :)

  4. aaaahh!! she's beautiful!!! so glad it went well. i know it will be hard and lots more tears...but you have her! so happy!

  5. Katie..she is beautiful. Her smiles will be in abundance soon...I am so proud of you and your family! What an incredible adventure you have started. I'd love to meet her.

  6. Olivia is beautiful!! I'm so glad you finally have her!! Lots of happy tears for you all this morning!! I know her smiles are soon to come :))))

  7. She BEAUTIFUL - what a GREAT photo/video - brought tears to my eyes!

  8. Katie, she is absolutely beautiful! I am so happy for all of you!

  9. There was not a dry eye at work!! So enjoying following this amazing journey! She is A beautiful and very blessed little girl!!
